Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay on Access Control FInal Project - 1199 Words

ITT Technical institute – isc program Project: Access Control Proposal IS3230 - Access Control Bernard Downing David Crenshaw /2014 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Title of the project Access Control Proposal Project for IDI 1.2 Project schedule summary The project will be a multi-year phased approach to have all sites (except JV and SA) on the same hardware and software platforms. 1.3 Project deliverables †¢ Solutions to the issues that specifies location of IDI is facing †¢ Plans to implement corporate-wide information access methods to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability †¢ Assessment of strengths and weaknesses in current IDI systems †¢ Address remote user and Web site user’s secure access requirements †¢ Proposed budget†¦show more content†¦Telecommunications has not been since the company moved its current headquarters 15 years ago. This has left many of the new features for telecommunications lacking and not integrated with the customer service database to improve call management efficiency. The generic system was acquired from a service provider who is now out of business. Policies for personal devices are being ignored by many of the executives who have local administrators install the clients on their unsupported, non-standard personal laptop computers and workstations that interface with the internet. The original WAN was designed in the early 2000’s and has not been upgraded. During peak periods, usually between September and March, the capacity is insufficient for the organization resulting in lost internet customers which further reduces growth and revenue. Telecommunications works through a limited Mitel SX-2000 private automatic branch exchange (PABX) that only provides voice mail and call forwarding. 2.3 Warsaw, Poland This is the largest office based on number of employees, strategically located to assist IDI for major growth in the Middle East and Asia, and the home portal for expansion and geographical client development, yet there is insufficient computing power to stay afloat on a day-to-day basis. The primary freight forwarding application is almost 10 years old and does notShow MoreRelatedFinal Exam Essay1089 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Access Control Project Access Control: IS3230 By: Phil Kurutz Nathan Gleed April 22, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Project Title 1.2 Project Schedule Summary 1.3 Project Deliverables 1.4 Project Guides 1.5 Project Team Members 1.6 Purpose 1.7 Goals and Objectives 2 Risks and Vulnerabilities 2.1 Overall 2.2 Billings, Montana 2.3 Warsaw, Poland 3 Proposed Budget 4 IDI Proposed Solution 4.1 Billings, Montana 4.2 Warsaw, Poland 5 Drawings 6 Conclusions INTRODUCTION Read MoreCIS 470 PROJECT PLAN1100 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿CIS 470 PROJECT PLAN Team: Team A Team Members: Melinda Ahmed Nathan Gruss Daniel McIntyre Catherine Roberts Date: 9/4/11 Project Title: Williams Specialty Company e-Commerce Web Site. WSC Team Leader Daniel McIntyre 1. 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