Wednesday, August 26, 2020

In the Time of the Butterflies Patria free essay sample

Demise is a word related with misfortune, distress and bitterness, yet in the novel In the Time of the Butterflies we see passing in an entirely different point of view; suffering. Solid, autonomous, mindful, legit, and having firm convictions are for the most part qualities we find in a saint particularly in Patria. In the novel we investigate the marvels of Julia Alvarez’s composing and get the opportunity to witness Patria as a saint and a person who battled for the privilege of ladies against a despot: Trujillo. As an individual, Patria’s character can be best described as somebody who solidly adheres to their convictions and has confidence in all things and everybody. Patria’s drive to get somebody eminent in the wake of managing a great many setbacks makes Patria the most grounded sister to kick the bucket In the Time of the Butterflies. Patria’s character can be better clarified through this statement; â€Å"From the [beginning] I felt it cozy in my heart, the pearl of incredible cost. Nobody needed to advise me to have confidence in god or to adore everything that lives I did naturally like a shoot crawling its way towards the light† (Alvarez 44). Patria’s confidence and faith in everything that [lives] makes her put on a show of being gullible and blinded by her confidence; since she accepts god can't be blamed under any circumstance on the planet alongside Trujillo. Patria’s thinking about the individuals encompassing her shows a lot of solidarity and certainty inside herself, yet in any event, when she was conceived Patria â€Å"lowered her arms the manner in which you crease in a hostage flying creatures wings so it doesn’t hurt itself attempting to fly† (Alvarez 44). This specific statement shows that [anyone] can have all the trust on the planet, however it’s what you do with that certainty that has any kind of effect. For this situation when Patria drops her arms down (Alvarez 44) she is indicating falters in her quality; disregarding this defensive move, Patria is as yet a resilient individual; Patria wouldn’t be the individual she is without the quality she needed to keep developing after destroying disasters. Despite the fact that Patria has a solid confidence in god and Trujillo her confidence is now and again tried, in view of others encounters with god and Trujillo. â€Å"The second I comprehended her scorn, my family had not been by and by hurt by Trujillo similarly as before losing my child. Jesus had not removed anything from me. There was the Perozos, not a man left in that family and Martinez Reyna and his significant other killed in their bed and a huge number of Haitians killed at the fringe. Making the stream they state still red. I had heard however not accepted. How could our all caring dad let us endure? I looked into testing him and the two appearances merged† (Alvarez 53). Patria is presented to reality that Trujillo was not the god-like element she saw him to be. In Patria’s mind there is no division among god and Trujillo; they are one. Patria is at long last encountering the issues inside the Dominican Republic. This disclosure foretells how Patria will get associated with the system and what part she may play. A common individual can be viewed as a saint, however Patria Mirabal is anything, yet a standard individual. She is a contender who is happy to hazard everything without exception to have even the littlest of effect on the planet. Martin Luther King Jr. , Abraham Lincoln, and Gandhi are for the most part images of what a saint is; somebody who kicks the bucket for a more noteworthy reason, as a result of their convictions. In the novel In the Time of the Butterflies Patria is a definitive saint, due to whom she is as an individual and in which the way she kicked the bucket. â€Å"Coming down the mountain I was a changed lady. I may have worn a similar sweet face, yet now I was crying my kid as well as that dead kid also. My stillborn of thirteen years prior, my killed child of a couple of hours back I cried right down that mountain. I peered out the insect webbed window of that projectile perplexed vehicle at siblings, sisters, children, little girls, the whole gang, my human family. At that point I had a go at gazing toward our Father, yet I couldn’t see His Face for the dull smoke concealing the highest points of those mountains. I caused myself to implore so I wouldn’t cry. In any case, my supplications sounded increasingly like I was attempting to start a quarrel. I’m not going to kick back and watch my infants bite the dust, Lord, regardless of whether that’s what you in your extraordinary intelligence decides† (Alvarez 162). Seeing a passing to such a small kid can change an individual from numerous points of view and when Patria watches the little fellow get destroyed, something inside her is activated. Confidence is a key factor in this novel and becomes possibly the most important factor when Patria understands that she’s â€Å"Not going to kick back and watch my [babies] bite the dust, master regardless of whether that’s what you and your extraordinary intelligence decides† (Alvarez 162). Patria is happy to conflict with all that she accepts is all in all correct to ensure the individuals of the Dominican Republic, in light of the fact that there is no more prominent family then the one you’ve endured with and flourished with. Patria is battling with each ounce of solidarity she needs to make right what Trujillo has neglected to do as their Dictator. â€Å"The minute I strolled into that room, I realized something had changed in the manner in which the ruler Jesus would be among us. Never again was there the ceremonial babble of how San Zenon had made the day bright for a granddaughters wedding or how Santa Lucia had relieved the cow’s pink-eye. That room was quiet with the wrath of avenging heavenly attendants honing their brilliance before they strike† (Alvarez 163). Going into the room Patria is practically reluctant, she needs to do what’s directly for herself and the general public, however once she joins the system her [faith] will appear to be even to her non-existent. Patria is in dismay at what is disentangling before her. â€Å"I couldn’t accept this was a similar Padre de Jesus who a while back hadn’t known his confidence from his dread! In any case, of course, here in that little room was the equivalent Patria Mercedes who wouldn’t have harmed a butterfly, yelling, ‘Amen to the transformation. † (Alvarez 163-164). Individuals can improve or for the more terrible; Patria understands this as she watches irate people prepared to battle even at the expense of death. She at last comprehends that the individuals that where hushed by dread had persevered through enough, and what shock’s her much more isn’t the way that they are conflicting with their once cherished god, it’s that here she was stating â€Å"Amen to the revolution† (Alvarez 164) remaining before her sisters pleased to state she is a piece of something that can make the Dominican Republic a superior spot for her [family]. This is Patria’s suffering to leave this world the manner in which she had entered; proudly, quality, certainty, and confidence not simply in god any longer, confidence inside herself that she rolled out an improvement in the Dominican Republic. Individuals may grieve the departure of a lady of Patria’s gauge, however her demise implied something not simply to her family to the world and who can request a superior prize than that? A normal individual can be characterized as a saint, yet it relies upon what your meaning of a saint is. Solid, free, mindful, fair, and having firm convictions are on the whole qualities we find in a saint particularly in Patria. A saint generally has solid confidence in convictions and individuals. Confidence can be characterized as having total trust or trust in a person or thing; a solid faith in God or in the teachings of a religion, in light of otherworldly worry as opposed to evidence. Right off the bat In The Time Of The Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, we witness Patria’s unflinching confidence and conviction that Trujillo and God are completely trusted and their capacity in her life is unchallenged, anyway as the story advances, the confidence Patria has in both Trujillo and God wavers. Since the degree of confidence Patria has falters and loses quality all through the story, would we be able to state that Patria’s confidence is extremely everlasting? Indeed we can say that confidence is everlasting, however we can likewise say that everlasting confidence doesn't really mean it is a solid confidence, it tends to be more vulnerable. Likewise In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, the visually impaired trust Patria set in God and Trujillo was questioned on the grounds that she had more proof that they ought not be trusted truly; again does this imply Patria no longer trusts these two amazing creatures? No this fair implies her trust had lessened. Solid confidence and trust in ground-breaking elements can be everlasting, anyway the quality doesn't need to be solid or feeble it simply must be available.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A German Retailing Icon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A German Retailing Icon - Essay Example These techniques are emphatically in accordance with the company’s objective to furnish contributions at lower cost yet with great norm. The motivation behind why clients should purchase the results of Aldi is expected to the firm’s achievement in imparting items into the market at a lower cost however with great norm. This is only a method of saying that at a lower cost, Aldi doesn't bargain the nature of its items. This can be the company’s serious edge and it increases the value of its worth especially for those clients who are after of acceptable quality at a sensible cost. Aldi’s lines of contributions are seen less expensive yet of high caliber and this observation has altogether made explicit incentive to specific clients. 2. How are various segments of Aldi’s retail methodology lined up with each other? Answer As referenced for the situation, Aldi attempts to apply restricted combination for its product and it especially holds fast to rule that the expansion of thing really builds use (Aldi: A German Retailing Icon 3). Item estimating for Aldi’s contributions is supposed to be 20 to 30 percent underneath those of customary grocery stores (3-4). Its fundamental structure for store and open showcase hold fast to one of its center standards, effortlessness at an insignificant cost (2). The correspondence of its items is said to apply insignificant advertisements through its flyers and site (3-4). Its area is especially situated off land which is its own to guarantee limiting cost (4). Its administration is through quick look at through money and there is consideration of engaging returns at fast (5). The instance of Aldi essentially shows that in keeping up by and large cost authority as its serious procedure, there is a need to really control the costs that must be brought about in th e activity. Plainly with the goal for Aldi to think of lower cost however not to forfeit nature of administration and item offering, there is a need to consider limiting costs that are not really making noteworthy effect on item quality. This is the means by which specifically the various parts of Aldi’s technique are lined up with one another. 3. Clarify the key inward and outer reasons why the organization has been so effective over the previous decades. Answer Aldi’s accomplishment over the previous decades is because of its fruitful passage in the market. Some portion of this effective section is its legitimate adjusting of the various segments in its retail technique. As an impact, Aldi is making serious procedure which is astoundingly in accordance with by and large cost initiative. This specifically has made worth to the organization as well as to the clients who are after of less expensive items yet with high caliber. Hence, this empowers the organization to co ncoct items that are exceptionally separated with regards to cost and quality. The degree of this is the accomplishment of explicit market center which is a market section that after some time, Aldi is happy to present with its line of contributions. Through the span of time, this creates client reliability as one of Aldi’s outer components for progress. This client unwaveringness is a reasonable upper hand of the organization and through this; the organization has astoundingly increased high purchasing power which implies that it can additionally interest for low cost. Consequently, this additional to the limit of the organization to keep up its serious edge with regards to by and large cost administration. As it very well may be watched, the joined impacts of both outer and inward factors for Aldi’

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Swing of Things

The Swing of Things If you had asked me what I thought college life would be like back when I was in high school, I would have said something like “prolly pretty busy right?” Poor me. I had NO IDEA. Let’s run this through. I present to you my schedule from this week: Highlight Reel: Monday: Nothing actually happened on Monday, which makes it the most normal day this week. Tuesday: I did have a lot of white space on Tuesday, but I also went to the Society of Women Engineers event as well as the HackMIT Git seminar. (Free dinner: achieved. Pepper Sky is SO GOOD) Wednesday: Wednesday was a LOT. Fortunately, I now know how to make a website, something that I never actually knew how to do before. Also, the resume workshop was filled with some very kind and helpful company reps and upperclassmen and, as it happened, was also filled with Chipotle. (Free dinner: achieved) Thursday: One of Petey’s former students came in to give a talk about his work at Buzzfeed, and it was actually really cool. Apparently, “there are a lot of numbers involved, in spite of writing memes all day”. After that, I wandered to another HackMIT event for the free food before heading off to get wrecked in quiz bowl practice. (Free dinner: achieved) The front slide of the presentation, co-starring a shiny Petey. Friday: WE GOT LIGHT SABERS AT THE ROGUE ONE SCREENING. LIKE, ACTUAL LIGHTSABERS. They don’t light up but they’re still pretty cool. Im planning on using it to practice saber fencing, my PE class this semester. Saturday: Basically, I went to HackMIT, got lunch for free, looted the treasure trove of free stuff from sponsors, and made a half hearted attempt at coding a meme generator with my partner before we both bailed to play pool. We probably could have actually pulled it off, but we had more important things to do in the evening. We went for Phantom of the Opera, aka MY FAVORITE MUSICAL EVER PSA: the Boston Opera House has a BUNCH of really awesome musicals coming up, including Hamilton next fall! Some of us followed up Phantom with the Reawakening at East Campus. If I had to sum it up in a single word, I would go with humid. Important things I learned from this week: 1. It is definitely possible to semi-survive on free food. Don’t believe anybody who tells you otherwise. 2. Stepping up my time management game is probably a good idea. The mind-bending schedule was probably due to the fact that it was both HackWeek (a series of events that HackMIT ran in preparation for the hackathon) and SWEet Week (the Society of Women Engineers club running a bunch of events), but it reminded me that I haven’t even started half my clubs or my UROP yet. This could be what EVERY week looks like from here on out. I don’t know whether to be enthused or afraid, but I definitely feel as if I have taken my first tiny sip from the firehose that is MIT. Hopefully Ill be ready when it hits me full force. Post Tagged #East Campus #HackMIT The swing of things It’s mid-October, which means that life at MIT is crazy right now. The semester is really underway now, so that means tests and psets and projects are all happening at once, and lots of people are pretty hosed. (Hosed= MIT slang for “really busy.”) Some other things are going on too. On Friday, I went to a MISTI-Spain information session. The MIT International Science and Technology Initiative helps students find ways to study abroad or take internships in a foreign country. I might be getting an internship in Spain this summer, and I am super psyched. (I still have to send in my resume, and I havent thought as far ahead as next week, let alone the summer. So its not a definite, but its something that Im seriously considering.) Like Jessie wrote about, the Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons released its final report, recommending changes to the GIRs (General Institute Requirements) to President Hockfield. As Jessie so eloquently explains, MIT students really care about the direction of the Institute. So even if none of us will ever have to deal with the “First Year HASS Experience” (common humanities classes required for freshmen) recommended by the committee, plenty of us are pretty mad about it anyway and trying to keep it from happening. (You’re welcome. =P) This is causing some exciting discussion and controversy, which always spices up life a bit. This Thursday, the 2009 RingComm (Ring Committee) is holding a study break for members of the class of 2009 to provide feedback about what we want to see on our Brass Rat. The Brass Rat is a big chunk of metal MIT students and alums wear on their fingers as a way of screaming to the world, “HEY, I WENT TO MIT!” Each class has a distinctive design (see some previous designs here) crafted by a small committee of students. The unveiling of the Brass Rat (at an event called Ring Premiere) and the delivery of the actual rings are pretty big milestones of your four years at MIT, so I’m excited already. This Friday the FIRST mentors are taking a trip to the high school we work with to recruit new students for the FIRST team. Anything about FIRST also makes me really excited. =P In more personal news, my acting class is finally starting to make sense! (The beginning of the semester was a little too…abstract for me, shall we say.) We haven’t done much acting per se, but we do all these activities breaking down our motions to expand our physical imagination. In other words, we’re constantly experimenting with different ways to use our bodies in relation with other actors, props, the setting (chairs, the floor, the walls), different ways to sit or stand or walk, and so on. The idea is to explore plenty of different ways to use your body itself to express fear, happiness, anxiety, whatever. One of the humanities requirements (which may only change in the details due to the aforementioned possible GIR changes) is that you choose something to concentrate in, so you develop a deeper understanding of one subject. I’m thinking I might concentrate in theater, because that would be really fun. Plus, you can use 9 units of theater practicum (working with one of the student drama groups in a production) as one of your classes, which I think is super cool. Not only that, but I have to make another appointment with my advisor to go over my curriculum plan. Since I’m 2A (the “flexible” mechanical engineering track), I need to submit a plan for the requirements and electives I plan to take. It needs to be approved by a specific faculty member in Course 2 in charge of the 2A department so they can verify that I’m actually doing something productive and cohesive with my extra electives. Yikes! I’m sure you guys are equally busy with school, activities and especially…..dun dun dun….college apps. I feel you, it can be a stressful time. Which is why, for the next couple of weeks I’ll be giving you my unsolicited unofficial college application advice. So stay tuned! Responses to comments: Amy asked: Is it acceptable to use abbreviations for fairly standard academic achievements/activities? Eg AIME for American Invational Mathematics Examination, NMS for National Merit Scholarship, etc. Those sound okay as abbreviations. You should generally avoid anything even remotely obscure. Use your judgment, but when in doubt, spell it out. (Ha, that rhymes!) There’s never any harm in that. Chris said:: “Are you differentiable? Because I want to be tangent to all your curves.” Thats gotta be the greatest pick up line i have ever heard in my life AHHH too bad no high school girls will understand it (darn bad calculus teachers) OK, I totally knew what that meant in high school, and might I add, that when I gave my campaign speech when I ran for student body president, my campaign manager (also female) introduced me with a speech that consisted entirely of nerdy pick-up lines, beginning with that one. (“Vote for Laura Nicholson, because she’s so hot I want to take her derivative just so I could lay tangent to all her curves.”) True story. (OK, I went to a nerd high school. And lost the election. But still.) Kevin said: Hey Im a senior in high school this year, and Im considering applying to MIT. I was just wondering, 1) how difficult is the application process? 2) what does the admissions office look for in applications? and 3) how difficult is it once youre there? any general advice would also be appreciated. if someone could reply, that would be awesome, thank you! Yikes, vague questions! The admissions process isn’t any harder or easier than any other admissions process. In other words, it’s about as stressful as you make it. You have to take all the standard tests, fill out your name and birthdate about 300 times, list your activities, and write a few essays. Once you’re here, the work is hard. How hard is it? I don’t know, hard. =P You’re encouraged to work in groups, and problem sets are usually doable as long as you allot enough time and work with partners. But you will be challenged. As for your second question, stay tuned for my next entry, where I’ll discuss that in a lot more depth. (Also, Sandimelb: I did get your comment, but again, it will be addressed in my next entry!)

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Essay on Access Control FInal Project - 1199 Words

ITT Technical institute – isc program Project: Access Control Proposal IS3230 - Access Control Bernard Downing David Crenshaw /2014 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Title of the project Access Control Proposal Project for IDI 1.2 Project schedule summary The project will be a multi-year phased approach to have all sites (except JV and SA) on the same hardware and software platforms. 1.3 Project deliverables †¢ Solutions to the issues that specifies location of IDI is facing †¢ Plans to implement corporate-wide information access methods to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability †¢ Assessment of strengths and weaknesses in current IDI systems †¢ Address remote user and Web site user’s secure access requirements †¢ Proposed budget†¦show more content†¦Telecommunications has not been since the company moved its current headquarters 15 years ago. This has left many of the new features for telecommunications lacking and not integrated with the customer service database to improve call management efficiency. The generic system was acquired from a service provider who is now out of business. Policies for personal devices are being ignored by many of the executives who have local administrators install the clients on their unsupported, non-standard personal laptop computers and workstations that interface with the internet. The original WAN was designed in the early 2000’s and has not been upgraded. During peak periods, usually between September and March, the capacity is insufficient for the organization resulting in lost internet customers which further reduces growth and revenue. Telecommunications works through a limited Mitel SX-2000 private automatic branch exchange (PABX) that only provides voice mail and call forwarding. 2.3 Warsaw, Poland This is the largest office based on number of employees, strategically located to assist IDI for major growth in the Middle East and Asia, and the home portal for expansion and geographical client development, yet there is insufficient computing power to stay afloat on a day-to-day basis. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

John T. Washington Speech - 1413 Words

On September 18, 1895, at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta, a former slave and now African American Leader Booker T. Washington delivered the opening address to an audience of predominantly white Americans, which became known as the Atlanta Compromise and became one of the most significant speeches in American history regarding race relations in America. It had been approximately thirty years since slavery was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment and many black Americans were still experiencing racial discrimination in the form of â€Å"Black Codes† and â€Å"Jim Crow† laws, the Republican party had left them to fend for themselves and the Supreme Court had abandoned them when they voided several civil rights protections that had ensured them equal rights. At this critical time in history, the ideals Washington expressed in his Atlanta Compromise speech and which he believed were what would keep America moving on a path of progress in the Sou th were a â€Å"give and take† philosophy of finding a middle ground in regards to racial cooperation, black Americans need for acceptance of their low status as the price for acquiring education and economic security, and through hard work and participation in the economic development of the South they would eventually achieve social and political equality. When pointing out that one-third of the population of the South was comprised of black Americans, Washington made it clear black Americans played a significant role inShow MoreRelatedBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and John Hope Essay1286 Words   |  6 Pagesand black populations. Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois and John Hope all attempted to conquer these tough issues based on their own experience and cultural influences by sharing their opinions. A well-respected African American leader named Booker T. Washington gave a speech that would be later named the Atlanta Compromise at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta on September 18, 1895 (Booker T. Washington Biography). Booker T. Washington was born in to slavery and wouldRead MoreEssay Battle Royal, by Ralph Ellison1341 Words   |  6 Pagesoration in which I showed that humility was the secret, indeed, the very essence of progress. (Not that I believed this -- how could I, remembering my grandfather? -- I only believed that it worked) (Ellison 938). The acceptance of the narrators speech affords him the opportunity to address an assembly of prominent members of the white community, but first he must survive the Battle Royal, a boxing war in the ring against fellow African Americans. 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Du Bois, however they had very differing views on how to achieve this goal ( Washington and Du Bois essentially split the Black community into two parties, radical and conservative. Du Bois, the radical, preached for a strong political and civil rights agenda, and uplift for Blacks through education. Washington pushed for Blacks to accept their racial discrimination until they had provenRead MoreSojourner Truth : A Black Woman1697 Words   |  7 PagesI was sold at auction along with a flock of sheep for $100 to John Neely. I was sold two more times over the next two years and finally ended up with Mr. John Dumont at West Park, New Yor k (Sojourner Truth). I noticed you mentioned being named Isabella Baumfree, could you tell me why you changed your name to Sojourner Truth? I first changed my name from Isabella Baumfree to Isabella Van Wagenen. My previous owner John Dumont promised to grant me freedom a year early, but decided to changeRead MoreEssay on Booker T. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century Free Essays

Jen Pearlstein December 2, 2010 Kin 305 Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century Women’s participation in sports has changed over the centuries. In ancient times, men dominated societies. Women were viewed as the caretaker, a provider for life. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Women who did participate were criticized and were thought of as threatening. In 18th century America, women were considered inferior to men because of the belief that women are the weaker sex. A woman’s purpose in life was to take care of the house, children, and husband. When they did want to participate in recreational sport, they need to be able to negotiate with men and with other women because societies did not make it easy for women to participate. For example, there was a woman who wanted to go sailing, but to do so she needed to deal with the owner of the boat, her husband and a neighboring couple, who was to accompany her, to do so. By the 19th century, there was a cultural shift for women. Women became frustrated with their role in society as house -keepers and caretakers and wanted to experience more with their life. They wanted to pursue educational and athletic opportunities to expand their role outside the home. At that time, however, there was opposition towards women participating in sports and receiving an education because they believed it would cause damage to their reproductive organs. Also, it was believed that sport developed manliness, a trait women should not process. But when women were given an education, it was shown that they could handle the ability to endure rigors of education, which helped them form a sense of independence and help provide athletic opportunities. Because of these growing opportunities, exercise for women became very popular and gained credibility. Catherine Beecher was one influential person in regards to physical education for women. She and Dioclesian Lewis developed the 1st women physical education programs to promote women’s health. They developed what is known as calisthenics, which is similar to Pilates. Colleges like, Wellesley College, started to require calisthenics and sports as part of their curriculum. Among the wealthy, outdoor activities such as archery, tennis, and golf became creditable and evolved into national associations, which sponsored the first national championships for women in those sports. Senda Berenson’s introduction of basketball to women in 1892 caused coeducational colleges, women’s colleges, and other schools to organize women’s teams across the United States. The three women who plotted the initial course of physical education and athletic competitions were Blanche M Thrilling, Mabel Lee, and Agnes Wayman. They were the leaders of women’s participation in athletics. However, Thrilling did provide the most leadership of the group. She organized a meeting to discuss the participation of women in sport. During this meeting the Athletic Conference of American College Women (CWA) was formed. However, they did not support the intercollegiate athletics for women. The reason why they opposed to intercollegiate athletics was because it led to professionalism, it was expensive, required coaches, and it led to nerve fatigue according to the organization. Because of the opposition of intercollegiate athletics for women, a way for them to compete against another school was through play days or sport days. Three or more colleges would meet for competition and would divide themselves up into teams without the school colors. This was the only form of intercollegiate competition that was available for women. These play day and sport days caused an increase in the involvement of women in sporting events. This led to the formation of organizations like the national committee on Women’s Sports, to provide rules and standards for athletic participation for women and girls. The AAU, Amateur Athletic Union, which was under the control of men, took control over women’s athletics. This stirred up conflict amongst physical educators and other leaders like, Lou Henry Hoover, Blanche Thrilling, and Agnes Wayman who opposed the AAU control and wanted women to govern the organization not men. They were against it because â€Å" only women could understand the psychological, motivational, and physiological need for women. † (Costa Guthrie, 91) Lou Henry Hoover was the leader of the National Amateur Athletic Federation, which was an organization that supported sport for everyone. She wanted to have a separate Women’s division because of the different ideal standards of women’s sport; and so was formed the women’s division of the NAAF. This organization set standards for women’s competition and encouraged them to participate in both school and non-school events. There still was a belief that women were too frail physically and mentally to participate in intense competition like Olympics. However, in 1932, Mildred â€Å" Babe† Didrikson disproved this belief by winning two Olympic gold medals and one silver medal in track and field. She had also won every golf tournament she competed in. Her great victories influenced the acceptance of higher- level competition, but there were still limitations due to the bias that sport build manliness, and therefore, women shouldn’t participate because it would strip their femininity. Because of discrimination, women did not have as much financial support and training opportunities as men did. It was not until the 1960’s, during the feminist movement, that women fought for equal rights. This caused a great influence for women and sports. There was the approval of inclusion of intercollegiate sport and the establishment of national championship for golf, gymnastics, track and field, badminton, swimming, diving, volleyball and basketball. But what really caused a growth of women’s athletics, was the result of Title IX of the Educational Amendment Act of 1972. This law was passed to eliminate sex discrimination in sports. This act provides equal opportunities for finances, coaching, and facilities. There was much growth of women’s athletics from ancient times to today. Even though you can still notice gender biases amongst women’s athletics since men’s sport are still more popular than the women’s, there are more opportunities and more organizations sponsoring women’s involvement and less discrimination than before. References Costa, Margaret D, Guthrie, Sharon D. ( 1994). Women and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. USA: D. Margaret Costa and Sharon R. Guthriex Hutchens, Lisa C. (1998). Gender Equity Collegiate Sports: The Role of Athletic Associations. Initiatives (Washington D. C),v. 58 no. 4. Retrieved from File:///Users/Jen/Downloads/HWWilsonRecords. html Metchikoff, Robert A. (2010) A History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education From Ancient Civilizations to the Modern World. Boston, MA: McGraw- Hill. How to cite Women in Sports 19th and 20th Century, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

May Bang Mau free essay sample

Brand Identity Basics gt; Color gt; Primary palette The primary palette provides a distinctive basis for the CEVA brand identity. The principle color is CEVA burgundy. CEVA red is used primarily as an accent color, adding dimension to headlines and layouts. The neutrals black and white are also specified. The use of white is fundamental to the overall visual effect of the CEVA brand identity. White space creates a clean, efficient and professional image and reinforces the notion of simplicity and modernity. Using these colors consistently will build powerful recall and ownership. CEVA burgundy CEVA red black white For two dimensional design Print On-screen PANTONE CMYK HTML RGB  ® 202 C0 M100 Y60 K40 #990033 R153 G0 B51 185 C0 M100 Y80 K0 #FF0033 R255 G0 B51 Process Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 #000000 R0 G0 B0 – – #FFFFFF R255 G255 B255 For three dimensional design Vinyl 3Mâ„ ¢ Scotchcalâ„ ¢ Avery ® RAL NCS BS4800 100-723 923 3004 S 4050-R 04D45 100-368 906 – S 1080-R 04E53 100-12 901 9005 S 9000-N 00E53 100-10 900 9016 S 0500-N 00E55 Paint Colors must be accurately matched and reproduced. We will write a custom essay sample on May Bang Mau or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the absence of specific color references, the colors must be matched to the correct PANTONE ® coated samples provided in the most recent edition of the PANTONE ® Color Formula Guide. Colors must not be matched to color laser copies. Basics Page 5 of 24 CEVA Brand Identity Basics gt; Color gt; Extended palette The extended palette provides a balanced and flexible range of supplementary colors for use with the CEVA brand identity. CEVA burgundy CEVA red purple maroon cardinal pink PANTONE ® CMYK HTML RGB 60 222 202 193 185 C60 M100 Y0 K20 C0 M100 Y20 K60 C0 M100 Y60 K40 C0 M100 Y70 K20 C0 M100 Y80 K0 #660066 R102 G0 B102 #660033 R102 G0 B51 #990033 R153 G0 B51 #CC0033 R204 G0 B51 #FF0033 R255 G0 B51 183 C0 M40 Y20 K0 #FF9999 R255 G153 B153 navy cerulean sky aqua lime amber orange PANTONE ® CMYK HTML RGB 295 3015 2905 C100 M60 Y0 K40 C100 M30 Y0 K20 C40 M10 Y0 K0 #003366 R0 G51 B102 #006699 R0 G102 B153 #99CCFF R153 G204 B255 320 C100 M0 Y40 K0 #009999 R0 G153 B153 390 1375 C20 M0 Y100 K20 C0 M40 Y100 K0 #99CC00 R153 G204 B0 #FF9900 R255 G153 B0 65 C0 M60 Y100 K0 #FF6600 R255 G102 B0 black storm silver pearl mist white CEVA colors must only be used with CEVA burgundy or CEVA red and white. Tints of extended palette colors should not be used. PANTONE ® CMYK HTML RGB Process Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 #000000 R0 G0 B0 Cool Gray 10 C0 M0 Y0 K60 #666666 R102 G102 B102 Cool Gray 7 C0 M0 Y0 K40 #999999 R153 G153 B153 Cool Gray 4 C0 M0 Y0 K20 #CCCCCC R204 G204 B204 Cool Gray 2 C0 M0 Y0 K10 #E6E6E6 R230 G230 B230 – – #FFFFFF R255 G255 B255 Basics Page 6 of 24